In response to your peers, please aim for at least one paragraph that provides additional information, a different perspective, or a follow-up question related to their post. Maintain a respectful and supportive tone, acknowledging and appreciating their contributions. The goal is to engage in a collaborative learning environment, allowing everyone to explore the topic further and deepen their understanding of the subject matter.
1# After reviewing the material for this unit, I do not believe that it is possible for these children to really develop or learn language skills. While it was shown that they could begin to at least start and understand language, neither child ever really could properly speak. This plays a major role into why I think it is simply not possible as they have passed the critical learning period. “Critical period is an ethological term that refers to a fixed and crucial time during the early development of an organism when it can learn things that are essential to survival.”(Nickerson 2023) Once this period passes, it is very hard for children, and humans in general to really learn and start developing properly. Because this time had passed in the cases of both Genie and Viktor, they did not ever really have a shot at fully developing speach and overall language skills. It certainly is possible for them to learn a little bit and start to grasp some concepts, but for them to ever function normally, is unfortunately not possible as their brains simply cannot process everything.
2# Genie and Viktor are well-known examples of children who lack language and understanding for most of their youth. Both were found and rescued when they were 13, and both underwent intensive treatment to help them learn language and other skills. But their results were very different. Genie can learn a few simple words and phrases, but does not understand perfect grammar or syntax. He also has difficulty asking questions, using language, and understanding abstract concepts. The golden age of language acquisition, when children learned simple, normal words, seems to be over. Some researchers believe that this important stage ends in adulthood, after which language learning becomes more difficult and less effective. Genie’s case supports this theory because language skills are not always possible despite years of treatment and trauma. On the other hand, Victor is more successful at learning languages than Genie. He understands simple commands and questions and knows a few words and sentences. He also learned to read and write in elementary school. He is also less interested in relationships and communication, preferring to spend time alone or in nature. He seems to have missed an important social moment, an important moment when children learn to communicate with others and understand each other. Some researchers believe that this important period ends with old age, after which social research becomes difficult and ineffective. 3. Victor’s record supports this theory as he is unable to function normally despite years of care and attention. Eventually, Genie and Viktor learn a few languages, but they are no better off. Both suffer from depression and loneliness, which hinders their thinking and development. Their data show that there is an important period for language and social learning and that this critical learning period is very important for human development.