Unit 6.1 DB: Evaluating the Workplace

 For this discussion, select a human service organization or return to the organization you previously discussed in this course (this can also be an organization where you have worked, are currently working for, hope to work at, or are familiar with).Next, using your knowledge/experience and the information you can find online (organization website, employee and client reviews (Yelp/Google/Facebook/BBB), the organization’s social media pages, LinkedIn company page, Glass Door, etc.), identify the key elements of the organization’s culture.As you conduct your research, share what you were able to learn about the organization’s culture, policies, and workplace environment. Consider the following questions to help you draw conclusions about the workplace environment:

  • What are the core values of the organization?
  • How are these values displayed in how the organization operates?
  • What conclusions can you gather from reading employee reviews?
  • How is diversity and inclusion valued?
  • How does the organization measure and improve its performance?
  • How does the organization’s culture impact the quality of care and services that are provided to clients based on community reviews?
  • After you have completed your research, is this somewhere you still would want to work? Why/why not?


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