Unit 6 Assn.


Scenario: Identify a business that is of interest to you. It can be real or fictitious, but it should be a realistic business. Think of one specific risk that your chosen business could face, and consider how and where you will get data that can be analyzed to address that risk. 

Complete the following steps: 

1. Create a Word document to contain all components of your Unit 6 Assignment. Add a title page and table of contents. 

2. Write an introduction to your chosen topic. Describe the business that you have chosen, identify the risk you selected, and briefly describe how you expect analytics to help you address that risk. Label this section Introduction. 

3. Perform a SWOT analysis for your business. Ensure that you have at least one element with a description in each of the four quadrants of a SWOT table. Label this section SWOT Analysis. 

4. Identify which quadrant of a risk matrix your selected risk would fall into (High Probability/High Impact; High Probability/Low Impact; Low Probability/High Impact; or Low Probability/Low Impact. Provide a rationale explaining why you have classified your chosen risk in the way you did. Label this section Risk Classification. 

5. Obtain or create a data set that you can use to address your risk. You can use built in data sets in R, data sets from the Internet, or data sets from a company with appropriate permission. It is acceptable to create your own data set if you wish. Keep in mind that you will need to use one of the risk analytics techniques you have learned in this class, so the data you use and the outcome your produce must be aligned with a valid technique “Expected Payoff” Please see attached template. Make a screen capture of a representative sample of your data. Place it in your document and label this section Data. 

 6. Create a model for your data that will allow you to address your selected risk. This will be in Excel for the Expected Payoff as your technique.   In your Word document, provide evidence by way of labeled screen captures and written descriptions of your model building. Label this section Modeling. 

7.  For Expected Payoff, document your findings for your audience. In your Word document, provide evidence by way of labeled screen captures and written descriptions of your model application/outcomes. Label this section Outcomes.  

8. Write a conclusion that summarizes what you did to assess and analyze risk using data. Discuss legal and/or ethical considerations that your chosen business must consider and address in using your risk analytics approach. Label this section Conclusion. 

9. Include a References page that cites all sources used to complete your Unit 6 Assignment. The list of references must include no fewer than five authoritative and relevant sources beyond the class textbook and sources of data. Ensure that all of your cited sources are referred to parenthetically throughout the body of your paper where relevant, and then in APA format on the References page. 


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