Unit VII Scholarly Activity MKT

Throughout this course, you have learned about the elements of a marketing plan. This assignment will allow you to research the marketing methodology of a specific brand of an existing publicly traded company. Using a publicly traded company will give you access to more information to complete this assignment. Remember: Some publicly traded companies offer many branded products. For example, see Proctor and Gamble. It would be unfathomable to think that Proctor and Gamble, with revenue over $80B and 100K+ employees, only employs one marketing strategy. Thus, selecting a brand would be a better use of your time.

Include the sections below in your marketing plan:

  • Introduce your company and brand.
  • Competitive Analysis: Who are your company’s competitors, and how are they differentiated? Identify two or three strengths and two or three weaknesses of your company brand compared to a minimum of two competitor’s brands.
  • Marketing Strategies: What are the marketing strategies used by your company to manage the global customer brand? Use the four Ps in your analysis, which are listed below.
  • Product: Begin with a theoretical definition of a product. What is the product/service offered by your company? How did developing these new products affect the marketing strategy?
  • Place: Begin with a theoretical definition of place. What are the distribution channels used by your company/brand?
  • Price: Begin with a theoretical definition of price. What is the pricing strategy used by your company brand?
  • Promotion: Begin with a theoretical definition of promotion. What are the traditional and digital methods of marketing and promotion used by your company’s brand? Explain a minimum of three traditional and three digital methods.
  • Competitive Advantage: Identify whether your company brand has a competitive advantage in each area of the four Ps. Remember that your company brand ould have a competitive advantage in one area and not in another. Include supporting rationale.

Your submission must be in Level 1 and Level 2 APA headings. You must include at least five scholarly sources (no blogs, no Wikipedia), and three must be peer-reviewed sources. Your scholarly activity must be at least six pages long, not counting the title page and references page. APA format is required.


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