When I hear the term “baby boomer” I think of my dad. My dad was born in 1960, so he is a great example of this generation. When he was growing up it was different times than it is now. Something like technology is something that has grown so much and is constantly getting more advanced. There was a clear learning curve with my dad and he has had iphones for years, but that is because he did not grow up using these things. He is not a quick learner and something like advanced technology is a hard concept to grasp. I was born in 2000 so I am a part of Gen Z. My generation is much more comfortable with technology than baby boomers because we were growing up pretty much being the guinea pigs for technology. I believe in 20 years our society is going to be mostly technology based. The generation after mine, Generation Alpha is characterized as the generation that spends hours and hours behind a screen. As technology progresses and evolves, which it always does, the more people are going to be exposed and entertained by a screen. Our government needs to require a certain amount of activity time to promote a healthy lifestyle.


 When I think about baby boomers I think of the old days and or our elderly community. Baby boomers to me have set the standard for my generation. For example holding the door for others when walking into a restaurant or using your Manor’s correctly. Having and showing respect for others. Baby boomers to me are an important part of our world. They paved the way for us and have such a classy educated way about them. It’s a generation that will be greatly missed. And their will never be another like it. My parents are baby boomers and I asked them about being a baby boomers. This is what I was told ‘ I was on the playground for recess at Assumption School in Richfield Minnesota. The church bells started ringing continuously and the students were hurried back into the building where we heard over the speakers that JFK was shot. He was the first Catholic president and everyone was crying. I rememberI remember well that it was for not sitting in the back of the bus. We were taught that all people were created equal and that should not have been an my mother went on to say “ I remember well that it was for not sitting in the back of the bus. We were taught that all people were created equal and that should not have been an issue”

Baby boomers to me come off racist generation. They aren’t too keen of mixed relationships. I was raised In an mixed raced family and have always been in a interracial relationship. I always get looked at funny by the older generation. I remember I was late for the bus one day and everybody else was at the bus stop ready to get on the bus and they’re all walking on the bus and as I got closer to the bus and the driver jack drove off and left me there. All my brothers white. This driver did this a few times to me. He ended up getting fired but I still remember his facial expression when he drove off. It was a cold hearted stare. As a child and even in high school my father would always have to talk to my teachers because they were treating me unfairly. 


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