week 2 discussion


The whole point of this week is to get you to contemplate the level of ethics and character that you must exhibit as an educator.

Prior to participating in this discussion forum, reflect on the Six Pillars of CharacterLinks to an external site. page, as well as the K-5 character education lesson: respecting differencesLinks to an external site. and the 6-12 character education lesson: digital citizenshipLinks to an external site. paying attention to the level of education in which you wish to serve (i.e., early childhood, elementary, middle school, high school, or adult).

Craft a thought-provoking question around the Six Pillars of Character, their importance to that level, and how you will incorporate them in the teaching and learning process. The idea is for you to further the critical thinking processes of your classmates by challenging them to broaden their awareness of the impact of the Six Pillars of Character in the field of education.


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