In dissertation, you will calculate your measures’ reliability using Cronbach’s alpha.  This week as we explore reliability, we will practice this calculation using the Growth Mindset scale (Dweck, 1999)  and an online version of statistical software (Jamovi). 

First, take the scale yourself and write down your responses (numbers) for each of the three items.  Next, give the same scale to someone else (friend, family member) and record their responses as well.  Feel free to ask more than one person!

Go to Jamovi online (link below) to enter your responses.  In Row 1, type in your answers (numbers) for each of the three questions for A B C (e.g. 6 5 4). Next, in Row 2 type in your friend/family member’s answers for A B C. If you have more participants or just want to “play” with the data, add to Row 3 and so on.  Next, click on Analysis–> Factor and select Reliability Analysis. Toggle A, B & C over to right-hand box (alpha will be calculated and can be seen on right-hand side).

Then in your discussion answer the following questions:

How many participants (including yourself) did you have? What is the number (alpha coefficient) that you get? 

What does this analysis tell you about how reliability is measured? 

What might affect the reliability of a test?

Growth-Mindset-Scale.doc Growth-Mindset-Scale.doc – Alternative Formats

For additional information on the scale:

Growth Mindset Scale | SPARQtoolsPsychologist Carol Dweck (2006) created the 4-item Growth Mindset Scale to measure how much people believe that they can get smarter if they work at it.

Jamovi (online version) 



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