Week 3 (saunders)


Social media headlines read “Coach Krakus leads volleyball team to league’s championship game for 1st time in coaching career.”

Coach Krakus is completing his 13th  year as head coach of a co-ed junior league (i.e., 13–15-year-old  participants) volleyball team. Yesterday, Coach Krakus’ team won their  semi-final game and will be playing in the championship tomorrow night.  During this morning’s practice session, a player on the team, Pat,  notified Coach Krakus a teammate, Marion, has being gambling (i.e.,  placing financial wagers/bets) on the team’s games.

Gambling  – the wagering of money and/or something else of value, on an event  with an uncertain outcome with the intent of winning additional money  and/or thing(s) of value.

Generally, gambling involves all three of the following elements:
»  Prize – Any item of value that is offered to the winner. This could  include money, other goods or services and/or any other thing of value,  regardless of the amount of such value.
» Chance – The “winner” of  the prize is uncertain at the time the wager is made. The use or  exercise of skill, strategy, and/or knowledge, unless it completely  negates the element of chance, does not convert an activity into  something other than gambling.
» Consideration – In order to receive a chance to win the prize, the participants provide or risk something of value.

The  volleyball league’s code of ethics clearly indicates “Gambling by  League administrators, coaches, officials (i.e., referees), and/or  athletes is prohibited. Violations of this policy constitute conduct  detrimental to the League and will subject the involved team and/or  person(s) to appropriate disciplinary action by the League’s president.  Such disciplinary action may include, without limitation, severe  penalties, up to and including termination of employment, forfeiture of  volleyball games, suspensions from participation, and expulsion from the  League.

Cite at least three (3) literary publications to support information discussed within your summary. Do  not count any of the publications (i.e., “additional resources” listed  below toward the minimum three (3) literary publications required.

Decision  making entails a cognitive, moral, and social process. Therefore,  provide information in the following order within your summary.

1. Introduction

2. Communication with team members. How  should Coach Krakus address this ethical dilemma with Marion (i.e.,  allegedly gambling on team’s games)? How should this ethical dilemma be  discussed with team’s remaining members?

3. Communication with other individuals associated with team  – Explain Coach Krakus’ ethical responsibility with respect to  notifying others (i.e., Marion’s and Pat’s parents/guardians, remaining  team members’ parents/guardians, volleyball league’s executive  administrators (i.e., president, championship event’s director) and  team’s opposing coaches.

4. Education  – Explain how Coach Krakus could educate his team members about sports  gambling. Provide at least one (1) example in order to support  explanation. 

5. Conclusion

*** Please begin a new paragraph when presenting information for each of Coach Krakus’ aforementioned responsibilities.

Examples of additional resources concerning sports gambling include:

‘It’s easy.’ Mental health experts worry sports betting is too tempting for teens

Supreme Court’s Decision on Sports Gambling – Effects on High School Games

Betting on youth football? Parents, coaches claim it’s happening

Online betting comes for kids

The Effect of Gambling on our Youth in a Modern World.


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