Week 6 Problem (BUS5250 Bus Analytics & Research Methods)

 Week 6 Problem         

Week 6-Cars – Data.xls 

 Download Week 6-Cars – Data.xls

Using Cars Data file summarize the data using Excel Descriptive Statistics.

  1. Create pie-charts for MPG on Cars’ CYL.
  2. Create a Histogram for MPG, include Normal distribution density curve.
  3. Make a scatter plot with MPG and x-axis and Cars’ CYL on y-axis, include trend line. What can you conclude?
  4. Make a scatter plot with Car’s CYL on the x-axis and MPG on the y-axis, include trend line. What can you conclude?

Problem Guide:

  1. You will manipulate and analyze data using Excel or SPSS.
  2. You will copy charts, graphs, tables, from Excel or SPSS into a Word document.
  3. Write a report on your findings in the Word document referencing the charts, graphs, and tables from Excel or SPSS.

The original questions must be typed out as headings, with follow up  answers + charts, graphs, and tables in paragraph format, and a summary  or conclusion at the end of the paper. Problems have no references limit  and must be in APA format.



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