wk 1 question 2

in 250 words answer the following 

define the fact pattern in the Netflix case study, which you read about in the following Module One resources:

This information will be a key part of your final project for this course. According to Legal Dictionary, a fact pattern  is “a concise description of all the occurrences or circumstances of a  particular case, without any discussion of their consequences under the  law.”

In other words, it provides the basic information—who, what, when, where, and why (which we will call the 5W approach):

  • Who: The individuals and organization involved in the issue
  • What: The issue at hand. What variables have  created the situation that needs resolution, and what facts regarding  the individuals involved and the organization can be codified as factual  statements.
  • When: The timetable as to when the issue began and  the approximate timeframe in which it must be settled. If not  definitively known, provide an estimate of the duration.
  • Where: The geographic location, department, or division in which the problem exists.
  • Why: The drivers that created the situation needing resolution.
  • How: The ways in which the organizational culture  may directly and/or indirectly impact the negotiation in an  interpersonal or organization conflict situation.

Post your five Ws in your initial post, 


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