write a review articels

Look the article up through the library (if not posted to the course site)

Article notes must be a minimum of 250-words in length (not including your name, my name, and article citation). Most students tend to write article notes that are 750+ words in length (but varies by each paper), file must be in PDF or Word format.

Include the article citation at the top.

Number each article (e.g. Article 1, Article 2…)

Include a cover sheet and table of contents

Article notes are similar to an annotated bibliography.  An annotated bibliography outlines the article and includes a narrative of the key points and/or frameworks presented in the article.

It is expected that your notes are professionally formatted.

These assignments ensure that you are engaging with the course material and probing the articles to get as much out of them as possible.  Be sure that you are pulling out the key points and frameworks within each article.  You may also include your own thoughts or questions to raise in discussion at the end of the article (so there is no excuse for missing the minimum of 250-words).

Are your article notes good? When you are finished ask yourself whether you could stand up and lead a discussion on the article using only your notes… could you do it three months after initially reading the article?  If you have just a collection of bullet points with no connecting narrative, then your article notes are not going to make any sense to you later on.

General Grading Rubric for Article Notes:
100 pts. – Captures the insights of the articles, formatted, citation included
75 pts- Missing either the citation or there is little or no formatting. 
50 pts. – Does not meet the 250-word count minimum or fails to capture article insights
0 pts. – Not submitted within 24 hours


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