
1. Write a one-paragraph summary of the article. Paste the link to the article and provide the title of the article at the beginning of your paragraph.

Answer in one paragraph that includes 4-6 sentences

2. What is outstanding (good, bad, outrageous, noteworthy, unusual) about the piece of writing? What is engaging? Boring? Fascinating? Use a quote from the article in your answer.

Answer in one paragraph that includes 4-6 sentences

3. What facts or details establish the author’s credibility? What research could you do to find out more?

Answer in 3-5 sentences

4. Does the author use facts and examples in a meaningful way? If so, how? If not, where could the author have included more facts or examples to substantiate one of their claims?

Answer in one paragraph that includes 4-6 sentences

5. Most articles try to present a problem (or problems) and potential solutions. Describe in your own words the problem presented. What needs correcting in our environment or our society? Use examples from the article to illustrate.

Answer in 5-8 sentences

6. Do you agree with the solutions presented? Describe why or why not. If no solutions are presented, what solutions would you present? Use examples from the article to illustrate.

Answer in 4-6 sentences

7. Describe your own ideas about this issue discussed in the article and state whether or not you consider the overall argument of the article as credible, logical, or not.

Answer in 4-6 sentences


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